BBLI Day of Service
"I Remember Martin" - Parade and Festival
January 15th | 9am - 12pm (3-hours of service)
Students will participate in the parade and volunteer at the Bridge Builders table and other day of service activities in conjunction with Communities Working to Unite Youth organization. Students will need to be provided transportation to and from the day of service. Students will be supervised by Mrs. Lee - Lee and other staff and volunteers of BBLI. Parents are WELCOME as well.
*Students need to be picked-up or removed from BBLI supervision by 12pm promptly*
Brandon Middle School (Parking Lot)
408 S College St, Brandon, MS 39042
Please contact Lauretha Bellinder (Mrs. Lee - Lee) for any questions regarding the day of service:
4th - 12th Grade BK and BBLI Students Only
Sign up your student to serve with us