To make a positive generational impact in our community with every student and family through our programs.
Every family deserves the opportunity to build. Bridge Builders provides families the opportunity to grow & succeed with Tuition FREE after-school & summer programming. We are meeting the need for our community on a daily bases. Will you join us?

To provide tuition-free summer & afterschool programs to communities. To inspire every student to be a great leader.

Over 5 Years of "Bridging the Gap"
Bridge Builders Leadership Initiative (BBLI) is a TUITION-FREE, afterschool and summer program serving more than 100 students daily, between the grades of K - 12. We “Bridge the Gap” by picking up where school & traditional afterschool programs end, providing K-12th graders a safe place to flourish and be encouraged during those critical hours of the day and those pivotal, transitional years of their lives.

Bridge Builders has expanded! We are now able to serve the community 5-days a week at both Bridge Builders and Bridge Kidz! This opportunity is made possible large in part by Bridge Builders Leadership Initiative in partnership with the metropolitan YMCAS of Mississippi through a grant from MDHS.
Thank You YMCA!
"I love that this facility is so welcoming and loving. My son came home from the first day begging to stay longer from now on! I love how much fun and inspiration he is having/receiving. We're extremely grateful for BK!"
"BBLI and BK is a blessing to my family! I love how my kids have formed relationships with their friends and the staff! I also know that they are learning social and leadership skills for their future. "
"We have enjoyed all the support this program has offered. The kids have gained additional family over the years. Thank you for all you do!!!"
Thank You to Our
We can't what we do without the support of those who are connected to our mission. These companies and orginazitons have partnered with us in significant ways to help us "KEEP Our Programs FREE" to the families that need it!
Thank you for helping us "Bridge the Gap!"
Contact US
Bridge Builders
6th - 12th Grade Program
204 Country Place Parkway
Pearl, MS | 39208
320 Center City Drive
Pearl, MS | 39208
601 - 308 - 3801
Bridge Kidz
K - 5th Grade Program
204 Country Place Parkway
Pearl, MS | 39208
204 Country Place Pkwy
Pearl, MS | 39208
601 - 885 - 3087